Cloje 0.2.0 Released
Yesterday I tagged version 0.2 of Cloje. If you want to play around with it, you can clone the repository. Installation and usage instructions are available in the README.
In terms of features, the biggest changes in Cloje 0.2.0 are the addition of hash sets (an unordered collection of distinct elements), and several set operations based on the clojure.set standard library. Please read the release notes for the full list of changes in Cloje 0.2.0.
Also noteworthy is that the goal of Cloje has changed since 0.1. For reasons described in the Cloje 0.1 Post-Mortem, Cloje will no longer attempt to faithfully emulate Clojure. Instead, the new goal is to bring the best aspects of Clojure to Scheme/Lisp. The first effects of this new direction can be seen in the new set operations, whose behavior is more predictable and consistent than clojure.set when given non-set collections. The old goal would have required me to laboriously recreate Clojure's quirks and bugs, rather than address and fix them.
Tentative plans for 0.3 are to create placeholder types (vectors, maps, etc.) and an API to convert between Cloje types and host types. This will set the stage for adding Clojure-style immutable persistent data structures in the future. The placeholder types will be immutable, but not (yet) have the structural sharing of Clojure's types.
Besides writing code, I will also be dedicating a significant portion of my project time to establishing policies, project documentation (how to start contributing, etc.), and outreach to help get more people involved in the project, especially people from underrepresented groups.