chicken-sdl2-ttf 0.1 Released
Last week I released version 0.1 of chicken-sdl2-ttf (aka the sdl2-ttf egg). This provides bindings to SDL_ttf 2, the font rendering library for SDL. This library is compatible with chicken-sdl2, which I released a couple weeks ago.
SDL_ttf is thankfully a fairly small library, so I was able to create and document complete bindings to it in less than a week, in advance of the January 2016 Lisp Game Jam, which has just started a half hour ago.
My plans now are:
- Create a game for the game jam!
- Release chicken-sdl2 0.2 (the main new feature is 2D accelerated rendering).
- Create bindings for SDL_mixer, and possibly SDL_gfx.